Sunday, July 2, 2023


                              ACTIVITY-1: SAFETY DEVICES

Class - 9

Aim: To acquire knowledge on various Safety Devices like Fuse - Circuit breakers (Earth leakage Circuit breaker, Miniature circuit breaker), - Isolator (Two pole and Four pole).

Materials Required:

1. Fuse cutout.
2. Miniature Circuit Breaker - Single Pole and Two pole.
3. Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker.
4. Isolator - 2 Pole and 4- Pole.

Related Information:

The Safety devices protects the circuit. The Fuse and Miniature Circuit Breaker protects from over-load, when current exceeds the maximum limit. The Earth leakage Circuit breaker, get trip when there is any leakage in Circuit.


This is fuses are made up of porcelain. The incoming and out going lines are connected to the base and fuse carrier. When the fuse wire is inserted in the fuse carrier it completes the circuit through the fuse wire. It saves the circuit in case of short circuit and over load.


MCBs or Miniature Circuit Breakers are electro-mechanical devices which protect an electrical circuit from an over current. The over current, in an electrical circuit, may result from short circuit, overload or faulty design. An MCB is a better alternative to a Fuse since it does not require replacement once an overload is detected. Unlike fuse, an MCB can be easily reset and thus offers improved operational safety and greater convenience without incurring large operating cost.

Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker 

An Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) is a device used to directly detect currents leaking to earth from an installation and cut the power.


 Isolator is a mechanical switch which isolates a part of circuit from system as when required. Electrical isolators separate a part of the system from rest for safe maintenance works.​

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